INTRO: The Seventh International Symposium on Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer

Hello, reader! Tomorrow is a very exciting day. I will be travelling to Montreal, Quebec, for the 7th International Symposium on Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC). This meeting brings together students and healthcare professionals from across the globe, all with the aim of sharing current research on HBOC. The schedule is jam-packed with talks from world-class researchers and physicians, so needless to say, I am excited! 

I will be exploring Montreal for my first two days, and then jumping full swing into conference mode on May 8th. My itinerary is long - there are lots of "must do's" in Montreal - so I will see how much of it I'll be able to get through. I've been told that walking through Old Montreal is like strolling through an architecturally beautiful European town, with quaint shops, plenty of cafes and jaw-dropping historical buildings. Stay tuned for daily updates here!

~ Vivienne


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